musings amidst the sky and stars

reflections in prose and poetry

Invisible No More: Book Fair Photos, and publishing through Kindle

My book signing with my latest legal reference with CentralBooks went well, and so does my soft launch of Essentially Invisible to the Eye. I am satisfied with some of the visitors, given that the Manila International Book Fair (MIBF) was closer to the bar examinations (held two days later) and had lesser law students in attendance. Nonetheless, it was a fun and meaningful event.

In order to further introduce and distribute Essentially Invisible outside the Philippines, I decided to place this under Amazon’s Kindle Direct Publishing, thus it is now available for purchase as a paperback and Kindle e-book:

I hope that you would provide support and appreciation over the expressions of love and hope, that I have encapsulated with my humble collection of poetry, that what may be essentially invisible to the eye may be visible for your reading pleasure.

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