musings amidst the sky and stars

reflections in prose and poetry

Old Man Bellicose II: Condemnation

They say, there was no spirit and word made flesh
And sullied its divine figure and reputation —
Tarnished sheerest by Herod* saying so as he please
That he is, and can hear his voice supposedly of “Him”.

And like wildfire, and in fraudulent deceit
Behold his minions and troops poisoning the wells
For knowledge to die and deaden the mind and sense
Of truths becoming such despite all blatant lies.

But why equate Him with His servants scarred
When these minions are flawed from head to ground
Blind leaders of the blind without any differ
From whom they crucify, as they do not differ.

But someday, as the sun shines anew in hope
His true voice rings from above witnessing forth
How Herod succumbs in his robes and throne
As fated, be gone with worms and overthrown.

* Herod Agrippa (11BC-44AD); Acts 12:20-23

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