musings amidst the sky and stars

reflections in prose and poetry

June 2021


    Cevdet Kudret** JANUARY CHANGED THE color of the air. Under the ash-colored sky, the world seemed grimmer. People went out only for work. The streets, especially the back streets, often stretched bare and empty. There was nobody under the oak trees, in the courtyards of the mosques, at the fountains – the spots of coolness… Continue reading

  • Old Man Bellicose II: Condemnation

    They say, there was no spirit and word made fleshAnd sullied its divine figure and reputation —Tarnished sheerest by Herod* saying so as he pleaseThat he is, and can hear his voice supposedly of “Him”. And like wildfire, and in fraudulent deceitBehold his minions and troops poisoning the wellsFor knowledge to die and deaden the… Continue reading