musings amidst the sky and stars

reflections in prose and poetry

July 2020

  • Against the Very Concept of Mercies (Musing Amidst the Sky and Stars II)

    Neither was there any plan ever since As the manalishis, score and a half Went somewhere else different as it seems. It ne’er went to where must, in behalf Torn asunder by selfish ambitions Without mercy, as innocents suffer — Scapegoats of their misconstrued decisions Instead of owning to its own blunder. Foretold, as soon… Continue reading

  • The Poet Who Only Wrote in Sonnets

    He came as new with the craft that he knew That of verses and words in its profuse And through the years all he wanted to do Is to write poems- sonnets in all good use. Navigating pentameters with ease — Measuring the iambus in all glee — Writing octaves with phrases he may please… Continue reading

  • Lost Sonnets (XXXII)

    As words and rhymes flow, in all black and white, I started to write sonnets within my mind. I gather my thoughts in deepest might Of positive emotions and feelings so kind. And as I draw images into pleasing words, Images of the past, now and shall be, behold And of love and longing sung… Continue reading

  • Old Man Bellicose

    Like an old professor ranting at night Mouthing frustrations as if it were yours To soothe your worries, or forget your plight For a while, as if he was “truly yours”. And loudly the old man remains, bellicose With words serving critics against daggers Suspending thinking minds in comatose — In his pedestal, everyone “staggers”… Continue reading

  • Separation Anxiety

    The Snakehead and Medusa, laughing shrill For them to enjoy all but evil-ly Taunting her ill of forced anxiety Malevolence, hurting her is a thrill And as if like a swift sudden fire drill Executing their plans in subtlety Taking away without propriety Her loved ones, compassion nary and nil. And they took them away… Continue reading