musings amidst the sky and stars

reflections in prose and poetry

June 2020

  • Lost Sonnets (XVIII)

      I saw the night sky, the full moon and stars As I glance up above its lovely view I remember your face as i see you Gazing faintly, so near, and yet so far. Occupied forth by hindrances, as marred By our equal zeal that when time is due Our rendezvous is perfectly on… Continue reading

  • Lost Sonnets (xiv)

    While the world descends in full confusion, And as the dawn welcomes the morning dew Our Destiny emanates anew — Crossing our paths in all full collusion. And as we confront our true emotions, The heart, exposed upon vicissitude Begins to ask: “Is Love really that true, Or a mirage, or merely illusion?” Regardless of… Continue reading

  • rivers unknown

    Facing, confronting the Music and the Prose and the Poems of way beyond: Praises, Odes and Elegies abound By the mind creative, or inspired by Sparks of emotions: love, hate, Happiness, sadness stimulated, agitated, aggravated by Fairies and Muses ready to light up the mind, or the Furies arousing the angst and Anger within and… Continue reading