musings amidst the sky and stars

reflections in prose and poetry

November 2019

  • Lost Sonnets (i -iii)

    I Dearest, how can I convey with wonder? From words, feelings desired so much, conveyed As if, and as it was, has to matter — From saying thoughts, heart and mind, relayed. As all the while it goes through the motions, Expound forth on words intended to be Release, catharsis of thy emotions, As was,… Continue reading

  • Musing Amidst the Sky and the Stars

    When your candles, embers burned out what remained of Your Presence in this good Earth, initial silence, then — The murmurs of the Shadows lurking around even When you have graced this Earth of your life: Finding an Opportunity, the chance that as your demise has come to Pass, that all shall entreat themselves in… Continue reading

  • Hell Frozen Over (Rossetti)

    Interred in the grave with the Consumption Lie Paeans never to be read as intended to be — Regardless of the love, sorrow, pain, emotion contained In its lines of splendor, remained buried, not to be seen. Ne’er to be read, exposed as it should’ve been, Was kept from the light and into the nether-world… Continue reading

  • Radiance

    The tranquil, utter silence, quiescence of Years unperturbed by the distant past — Visions, awakened anew: with a life of its own, Sprung forth out of fissures and crevices Despite times already forgotten. With ripples and waves worth of memories Already buried in the nether, gushes as if a spring — As if the decades… Continue reading