musings amidst the sky and stars

reflections in prose and poetry

November 2016

  • blossoms

    Flowers bloom forth right upon my door: Roses, tulips, violets smile forth in full adore. Petals of fullest color, florescence exuding joy, All of loveliness, cheerfulness a-gladly, ahoy! Conceded-ly in pulchritude, a lovely view: Yet no flowers bear compare with someone like you. Pleasurably picking the flowers amidst my front: Enduring pursuits of the heart… Continue reading

  • devoid

    As words dance in the glee of pure Emotions swirling in joyous spirals— A blank reaction awaits… Continue reading

  • a silent witness

    The walls bear witness as if Muteness may be exceptions to The joys and triumphs, of the Happiness flowed forth with family, Friends, greater friends of pleasing Presence: coupled with equal amounts of Realities and realizations of sadness, Pain, sacrifices done and was made Of hardships,madness, challenges to The test of enduring the bleak moments… Continue reading

  • missed

    How I miss the days, your presence is here — Transcending my soul with your transcendence. With all tenderness when you are still near — The cold heart warms forth in full ascendance. Now that you are gone, an empty space lies: A void created for all the longing — Expectations of hope of the… Continue reading

  • …sonnets for her (i)

    As i close my eyes every single night, I see visions of your pleasing sight: Your hazel brown eyes does sparkle forth With your face beautiful for all its worth. And as I caress your hands into mine, A rush of emotion, all so divine! Of all affections the heart emanates, From all blunt feelings… Continue reading

  • love’s omipresence

    Love is everywhere — The warm sun, bright moon and stars Glow bright with her smiles: Glistened with all affection, All heart’s glad satisfaction. Continue reading

  • visions from Arayat

      Amidst her façade, obscured of fog and rain, I cannot but let my words regal and entertain: expressions of love, all appreciation, pure romances — Upon Her, deserving sincere affection, in full advances. And as the mist, heavy curtain, rolls forth with conviction, Feelings of doubts are-a-crawlin’, utter dis-illusion: Should I run towards Your… Continue reading